Thursday, December 22, 2011
Random Post #2
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Random Post
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Everybody Is Changing
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
FYP (3)
boring face expression in the lab
A Friend Like You
The only way I discovered to solve this uncomfortable situation is just by confronting and tell them how I feel. I did it last time but there will be an awkward moment where she want to ask me to do a favor but she knew I wont do it. And I guess she is furious and hates me all her life. emm..... I am in dilemma.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
FYP (2)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
FYP (1)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I guess I'm addictedd updating about my FYP
So, now the testing part. When the weeds are mature enough, I'll spray them and wait for the effects. Effects that will be taken into the results are the properties of the formulation which are the particle size, surface tension and efficacy. Then I will compare my own formulation with existing products in the market.
With all the explanation, I really hope everything will go smoothly. Wish me all the best. Now, I should start writing proposal and abstract. Bubbye ^_______^
hari ini, saya rasa macam loser. saya bangun lambat. saya terlupa pergi lab (luar jadual). saya tidur lama-lama. saya online lama-lama. harini takda output. macamana nak fokus? okay, saya CUBA. *loser me
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
thinking of him
chemicals are we!rd
Saturday, October 29, 2011
one word: yeahhhhhhhh!!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Happy Birthday Hidayah Hussin

Thursday, October 20, 2011
random post #3
Friday, October 7, 2011
random post #2
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Random post
© While organizing my stuff, I found my not-so-old diary. I read about my friend doing nasty thing to me and how I just be patient to her. Why am I that stupid????
© Went to my sister’s convocation at UKM. Their jubah colour is differ for each course. Can u imagine how colourful the convo day at UKM??
© I am starting a small business with Pian. We’re selling hotdogs!
© Still, not proposing my FYP title to my supervisor yet.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
my first attempt emcee-ing in english
During my asasi years, I tried to find an interesting stuff to do to fill my leisure time. The great thing I should be grateful about myself is that I can sometime be optimistic. I made myself believe that everything can be learnt, only certain things need talent. I like to try new things unfortunately I don't have chances (in terms of money and time. I was once a nerd during my school hood so I focus on studying). Seeing my friend, Fiza always offered to be an emcee urgently for any formal event, made me think why don’t I try emceeing? Fiza is actually a debater. I guess she doesn’t even has basic in this stuff (until MGP 2008 when Abg. Zul trained her). On 2008, when my batch was organizing a formal dinner for the Pusat Asasi to celebrate our seniors, I randomly offered myself to be the emcee. I arranged meeting with experienced people like Fiza and the multitalented and friendly Kak Kinah (she can sing, emceeing, dj-ing) to learn about emcee, mostly on the voice tone, body languages and gestures and so on.
The after party picture with Syafik as no one will captured emcee picture during the ceremony L
The first time I tried to be a formal emcee, back in 2008 during the Pusat Asasi Sains Pertanian annual dinner at The Mines Spa and Resort. There is one disadvantage of being an emcee. You will sometime be the very first or the unlucky last person to have your meal. For sure you have to control your food intake before the ceremony and get ready quickly and may already lost appetite at the end of the event. But it never fades away my interest in emceeing.
Next, back in 2009, I was the emcee of my college dinner. This time, I also got a specific emcee lesson from Abg. Zul and my emcee partner, Nazri. They are both very experience in this stuff as they are the UPM emcee. They’ve got to host many UPM big ceremonies like Malam Tunas Budaya, Majlis Konvokesyen and etc.
Recently, this was my very first experience emceeing in English. As part of the Program Planning Division of the third International Agriculture Student Symposium (IASS), I was told to host the exposure night of IASS among volunteers. And it will be held in ENGLISH!!!! I’ve never tried it. The first and foremost thing I am afraid is my pronunciations. We (Pradeep and me) practiced only 30 minutes before the ceremony. I was very nervous. Luckily, it all went well. (fuhhhh…….). Our advisor, Encik Zakaria Sidek even praised me in front of everybody for my sweet voice (ahaksss). I felt very relieved and happy. The night goes on and I’ll never forget it.
According to my story, there are a lot more I need to learn. And I have planned if I don’t have future in agriculture field, I’d like to try emcee profession. However, AGRICULTURE IS MY PRIORITY.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
weird weekend
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
hectic like ZZzzzzzz.....
- Decoration and souvenir thingy for Hari Raya celebration on this Saturday of Outward Bound Club (OBC) UPM
- Secretary for introductory camping of OBC UPM on this 24th and 25th Sept
- Proposing a final year project title to my supervisor (most of my friend were so lucky that they're been given the topic while i have to propose myself T__T nway, i'm doing on weedicides)
- Several tasks for program planning department of the Third International Agricultural Student Symposium.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
hello there :)
thats all. thanks you :)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
thanks bitches :p
Please take note that 'bitches' for me is like 'darlings' @ 'honey' @ 'babes'.

Last but not least, I'd like to thanks to all my coursemates who I havent mention like uji, zarip, louie, syamil, acai, ezad, mamat, acap and bla2.
Till then, wait for my results update, hehe.
(entry panjang kene baca semula dan edit, penatlahhh, huhu)